Sunday, June 17, 2012

Windows Deployment Services – Moving RemoteInstall to another location

For a bunch of reason, like disk space for example, you may need to move your RemoteInstall folder from one location to another.
Since Microsoft Windows 2008 R2, this task is very easy. So, just follow this steps:
  • Launch a command prompt with elevated privileges
  • Then, run the command: WDSUTIL /uninitialize-server
  • Cut and paste your RemoteInstall to the new location (D:\ for example)
  • At the command prompt again, run the command: WDSUTIL /Initialize-Server /RemInst: D:\RemoteInstall
And that’s it.You’ve moved your RemoteInstall folder to the new storage device and you can start using your WDS again.


  1. Thanks for this but after testing the command should include a colon after /RemInst.
    WDSUTIL [Options] /Initialize-Server [/Server:] /RemInst: [/Authorize]

  2. Greetings and thanks.
    You are absolutely right!

    I've updated to post :)
