Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Why YouTube works so bad with Edge (and Firefox btw…)

Although it’s easy to blame on Microsoft, maybe the reason why YouTube works so bad using Edge or Firefox isn’t so obvious like “Chrome it’s a better browser”.

In a nice article from WindowsCentral, Daniel Rubino comes with a plausible explanation including quotes from Chris Peterson (technical program manager at Mozilla) and Kyle Pflug from Microsoft.

Read the full article at:
WindowsCentral - Why YouTube is so slow in Microsoft Edge (and how to fix it)

Windows Admin Center (WAC) v1809 GA Available

Microsoft has made Windows Admin Center (WAC) v1809 generally available.

This “new” Microsoft tool is a it’s a locally-deployed, browser-based management tool that lets you manage Windows machines, desktops and servers.
Windows Admin Center will in a near to middle future substitute the current Windows Remote Server Administration Tool (RSAT)

Download it here:
Microsoft Windows Admin Center v1809

Friday, September 14, 2018

Lenovo Drivers Packages Unpack Switches


Here’s a quick tip for unpacking Lenovo drivers:

<packagename>.exe /VERYSILENT /DIR=<packagepath> /Extract=”YES”

n20ku12w_x64.exe /VERYSILENT /DIR=”D:\Temp\LenovoDriver” /Extract=”YES”