Thursday, September 16, 2010

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Beta – Download Available

Microsoft took today another step before RTM version of it’s new browser version.
IE9 Beta it’s now available for download.

Experience a more beautiful web

After long interruption between versions 6.0 and 7.0, looks like Microsoft it’s finally getting the right speed for launching new versions of IE, and getting the focus where their competitors are good and they are not.

Well…I can somehow understand why it’s more complicated for Microsoft to launch new versions in short time between them. IE it’s probably the most used browser on the enterprise world so…this can be really a nightmare for IT Admins and Developers to keep up and test everything again.

Now, for what really matters…here are some of the new features in IE9 Beta:

Chrome Like Streamlined Design
Like I said before, Microsoft it’s paying attention to what the others are doing well, so this new compact/minimalist user interface make the navigation more graceful.

Just a short note about the Back button, to say that the bigger size reflects a market study from Microsoft that states that Back button it’s used a lot more times then Forward button.
When I think about it…errr…yes this is absolutely true, isn’t it?

Download Manager
Hmmm, don’t you smell something here?
An incorporated download manager where you can see all current and past downloads, cancel, pause them, clear the download  list history, etc.

This is getting ridiculous but, here I’ve to say that, Microsoft it’s looking the neighbors house…

Enhanced Tabs
With this feature basically you can put two opened tabs side-by-side

New Tab Page
Now when you open a new tab on the browser instead of going to your home page, you get a list of the most viewed websites.
Ok…I just can’t avoid this…does this feature makes you think on another browser?

Hardware Acceleration
In my modest opinion, this is one of the most important new features in IE9.
Hardware acceleration means IE will use the power of your graphics card (GPU) to enhance some heavy task like video streaming, online gaming and a lot more.

Everyday web pages have more rich and complex content, so in near feature, using the GPU will be trivial and probably get a better experience while browsing.


So, if your curious to test this features, download it and get more information:
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Beta

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