Monday, April 8, 2019

Visual Studio 2019 Network Installs

Here’s just a very quick guide for creating a Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 network/package install

The first thing you need to do is to download the install bootstrapper that you want (Enterprise or Professional):

Visual Studio Communityvs_community.exe
Visual Studio Professionalvs_professional.exe
Visual Studio Enterprisevs_enterprise.exe

You’ll notice that if you don’t use any parameters you’ll download a complete source of Visual Studio 2019. This means at least 35GB of source files, and I doubt you need that, so, to download exactly what you need and get a much lighter install source, follow these steps:

  1. You can download only the components you need and the language you need

  2. To determine the components and language IDs (this may vary between SKUs) visit this webpages:
    Workload or Components IDs
    Language IDs

  3. Now that you have all you need, just run the command-line below. In this example I’m creating an offline installer for Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise that includes:

    - Visual Studio Core Files
    - Managed Desktop components (for C# developing for example)
    - Recommend components (a Microsoft recommended files based on components id)

    vs_enterprise__2022417084.1542710334.exe --layout C:\Temp\MSVisualStudioEnterprise2019 --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedDesktop --includeRecommended --lang en-US

  4. Now that you have all files, just run the following command line for silent install:
    vs_setup.exe --quiet --wait --nocache --noweb --norestart

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