Sunday, May 13, 2018

Deployment Tips – Extracting All Microsoft Office Updates in a Folder


Because you may need to create a new source installation of your Microsoft Office and gather all the necessary security updates, here’s a quick tip extract all *.exe Office updates to the Updates sources folder.

This is particularly useful because most of the time you’ll download the updates on *.exe format and has you may know, the automated install will look for *.msp files inside the Updates folder instead.

So, here are the necessary steps to do it:

For this example we’ll use the folder D:\Temp\10\Office where you’ll put all your downloaded *.exe files and you should create also D:\Temp\10\Office\Updates where the files will be extracted.

  1. Download all your *.exe files and move them to D:\Temp\10\Office

  2. Open a command-line as Administrator

  3. On the command-line, navigate to D:\Temp\10\Office

  4. Know just execute the following command:
    for %g in (D:\Temp\10\Office\*.exe) do %g /extract:D:\Temp\10\Office\Updates /quiet

  5. All *.msp files will be extracted to D:\Temp\10\Office\Updates and now you just need to copy them to your “OfficeSource\updates”.

And you’re done!

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