Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Microsoft Edge - Enabling TCP Fast Open (TFO)

TCP Fast Open (TFO) is a new extension meant to replace the old T/TCP system.
According to Google, this new system can improve page load time by 10% to 40%. This can be achieve by reducing traffic back and forth between the client and the server.

In a very resumed way, the less latency you can have between two far away systems the faster the load times are.

Microsoft also write a detailed blog about this back in June:
Building a faster and more secure web with TCP Fast Open, TLS False Start, and TLS 1.3 Read more at https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2016/06/15/building-a-faster-and-more-secure-web-with-tcp-fast-open-tls-false-start-and-tls-1-3/#Te0IgPhiPFmv0Rd9.99

Microsoft's main objective for Edge it's to end the gap that it had last years on the browsers world, and the strategy it's all about do the good things other competitor do and also stand out with nice new features.

So, TFO it's now available on Edge (you'll need Windows 10 Anniversary Update).

To enable this feature, follow this steps:
  1. Open Microsoft Edge
  2. In the address bar type
  3. Scroll down to Networking
  4. Check Enable TCP Fast Open
  5. Restart Microsoft Edge (just need close and open again)

Be aware this feature it's still experimental so there could be some issues.
If you experiencie any problems, just repeat the above process and uncheck the Enable TCP Fast Open option.

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