Sunday, September 14, 2014

WDS and VMware Paravirtual SCSI Drivers

On a VMware VDI environment VMware Paravirtual SCSI driver it's recommended as the SCSI controller for your virtual machines.

In my environment the main template it's created using WDS (which also serves the physical machines).
By default the boot.wim (used to boot machines into WDS and deploy reference images) doesn't have the drivers necessary (or up-to-date) for a VMware environment. For example boot.wim doesn't come with the necessary network drivers for VMware VMXNET3 so this example will serve both for network or scsi drivers.

So, to boot up to WDS and be able to deploy successfully a reference image to a VMware virtual machine which is configured with a VMware Paravirtual SCSI controller, follow this steps:

Getting and injecting the drivers

  • First of all, get a working virtual machine that already has a paravirtual controller installed and be sure that you have the latest VMware Tools installed
  • Login to that vm and go to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VMware\VMware Tools\"
  • Copy "pvscsi" folder to your WDS server
  • Now you just need to open your WDS console and inject the drivers like shown in the video bellow
  • And your done.
You can now boot a VM with VMware paravirtual scsi controler.

Just keep in mind that if needed, you'll have to get the drivers from a x86 and a x64 machine.

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