Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 2 v6.3.8330 Available

The Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 2 v6.3.8330 it's now available through Microsoft Download Center.

This new version it's primarily a "quality release" with now major features.
Here's a summary of the changes in this update:

  • Security and cryptographic related improvements:
    • Relaxed permissions on newly created deployment shares (still secure by default, but now also functional by default)
    • Creating deployment shares via Windows PowerShell adds same default permissions
    • Updated hash algorithm usage from SHA1 to SHA256
  • Includes the latest Configuration Manager task sequence binaries
  • Enhanced user experience for Windows 10 in-place upgrade task sequence
  • Enhanced split WIM functionality
  • Fixed OSDJoinAccount account usage in UDI scenario
  • Fixed issues with installation of Windows 10 language packs
  • Various accessibility improvements
  • Monitoring correctly displays progress for all scenarios including upgrade
  • Improvements to smsts.log verbosity

Download MDT 2013 Update 2 v6.3.8330 here:

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

WDS - Injecting VMware VMXNET3 Driver Error

I'm creating a new WDS + MDT infrastructure almost from scratch and I'm using VMware for deployment and image creation.
Because I'm using VMware VMXNET3 for network and VMware ParaVirtual SCSI for storage I needed to inject this 2 drivers on my Windows Deployment Servers (WDS) boot image for installing the created images.

Doing this on MDT when creating the boot images for the litetouch deployment has no issue, but for the boot.wim for installing images (extracted for the sources\boot.wim of Windows DVD) something goes wrong.
For some unknown although the VMware ParaVirtual driver gets easily inject, the VMXNET3 driver don't.
Not really investigated the reason, but has a workaround, follow this easy steps.

So what we're going to do it's to inject the drivers on boot.wim file using DISM:
  1. First copy the file from a DVD/ISO (it's located on "...\sources\boot.wim") and copy it to a local drive (ex.: D:\Temp\)

  2. Than you'll need to mount the WIM file:
    DISM /Mount-Image /ImageFile:D:\Temp\boot.wim /Index:2 /MountDir:D:\Temp\MountPoint

  3. Now, you're ready to inject the VMware VMXNET3 Driver (or any other drivers), you just need to point to the *.inf file:
    DISM /Image:D:\Temp\MountPoint /Add-Driver /Driver:D:\Temp\Drivers\VMwareVMXNET3\vmxnet3ndis6.inf

  4. Drivers injected, now unmount and commit changes:
    DISM /Unmount-Image /MountDir:D:\Temp\MountPoint /Commit

And you're done!
Now you just need to publish that boot.wim on your WDS and deploy images.

MDT 2013 Update 1 Version 8298 - Invalid Credentials

Microsoft has recently launched a new version of Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 1 version 8298.

There's been a couple of issues with this build because the way the DeploymentShare$ it's created.
If you take a look at this share permission, you'll notice that permissions are just for "CREATOR OWNER" instead of "Everyone" like the previous versions.

Besides that, now the DeployRoot parameter it's not configured on the bootstrap.ini.
So, to make this work again, follow this steps:
  1. First, you'll need to edit your DeploymentShare$ permissions so that you can connect to MDT from the machine you're deployment.
    You can achieve this simply by adding the group "Everyone" to the share permissions, or if you want to be more restrictive you can add the "Administrators" group with "Full Control".

  2. Now that you're done with the permissions, you'll need to take care of bootstrap.ini.
    To do so, just navigate to your DeploymentShare folder, and open "bootstrap.ini" that's located on the "Control" folder

  3. Here you'll have to had under "[Default]" the following parameter:

  4. Save the file and you're done.

Now that's you've change the bootstrap.ini, like always, you'll need to regenerate your boot files:
  1. Open MDT Workbench and click properties on your deployment share and then Update

  2. Here you'll need to choose "Completely regenerate the boot images" and now just wait for the process to finish.

And you're done!
Hope this helps some people that are having some issues after installing this latest version of MDT.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Scripting - Getting AD Users Logonscript and Account Status

Here's a nice script for getting domain users information and exporting it to a text file.
This script retrieve the following info:
  • Display Name
  • Username
  • Logonscript
  • Account Status
The account status retrives "code numbers" so here the translation of the codes:
  • 514 | Disabled Account
  • 546 | Disabled, Password Not Required
  • 66050 | Disabled, Password Doesn't Expire
  • 66082 | Disabled, Password Doesn't Expire & Not Required
  • 262658 | Disabled, Smartcard Required
  • 262690 | Disabled, Smartcard Required, Password Not Required
  • 328194 | Disabled, Smartcard Required, Password Doesn't Expire
  • 328226 | Disabled, Smartcard Required, Password Doesn't Expire & Not Required
And now, the script:

' Application: Get Domain Users Information
' Overview: Get's the following information from domain users:
'            - Display Name
'            - Username
'            - Logonscript
'            - Account Status
' Author: FrontSlash Blog (
'  Variables Declaration                                                  '    
Dim oContainer
Dim OutPutFile
Dim FileSystem
Dim MyDate

'  Variables And Objects Initialization                                   '
MyDate = Date()
MyDate = Replace(MyDate, "/", "-")

Set FileSystem = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set OutPutFile = FileSystem.CreateTextFile("DomainUsers" & MyDate & ".txt", True)
Set oContainer = GetObject("LDAP://dc=your,dc=domain,dc=here")
oContainer.Filter = Array("organizationalUnit")
strList = ""

'  MAIN                                                                   '

'Enumerate Container
    EnumerateUsers oContainer

'Clean up
    Set FileSystem = Nothing
    Set oContainer = Nothing
    Set MyDate = Nothing
    'The line below is for testing purposes only.
    'WScript.Echo "Finished"


   Sub EnumerateUsers(oCont)
    Dim oUser
    For Each oUser In oCont
     'On Error Resume Next
       Select Case LCase(oUser.Class)    
        Case "user"
         If Not IsEmpty(oUser.distinguishedName) Then
          OutPutFile.WriteLine oUser.displayName & ";" & oUser.sAMAccountName & ";" & oUser.scriptPath & ";" & oUser.userAccountControl
         End If
        Case "organizationalunit", "container"
         EnumerateUsers oUser
        End Select
   End Sub

Enjoy it! ;)

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 10 Version 1511 Available

With the release of Windows 10 Version 1511, Microsoft also made available a new version of Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10.

Because the main objective it's the compatibility wit the new Windows 10 version, there's not a lot of changes in this version of RSAT although there's this notes on the release log:
  • DHCP Tools. Dhcpmgmt.msc is not available in this release of RSAT, but equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available.
  • IP Address Management (IPAM) Tools. IPAM tools are not available in this release of RSAT.
  • Network Policy Server Tools. The NPS console is not supported on a Windows client-based operating system, and will be removed from future releases of RSAT.
  • Routing and Remote Access Tools. Routing and Remote Access Tools that are GUI-based cannot be used for remote configuration in this release of RSAT, but the equivalent Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available.

Here's the link for more information and download:

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Scripting - Merging multiple txt files in one

Here's a nice, quick and simple tip if you need to merge multiple text files (*.txt) in just one:

  1. First put all your txt files in a folder (for example D:\Temp)
  2. Now open command line and navigate to D:\Temp
  3. Next, type the following command:
    for %f in (*.txt) do type "%f"  >> output.txt
  4.'s done!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Windows 10 - Comparing Versions Features

Well, I know that after something like 110 million deployments of Windows 10 worldwide this cames a little bit later, but for the sake of does that are still wondering which flavour of Windows 10 to choose from, heres a list of features vs. version available from Microsoft:

Monday, October 12, 2015

Lumia 640 XL with Windows 10 Mobile - Try it online!

For those interested on a Lumia 640 XL and wondering how the device will look like with Microsoft Windows 10 Mobile, here's you're chance!

Microsoft has recently created a website that simulates the 640 XL for you to play with.
First you'll choose a background image and then you'll have a selection of apps based on your personal interests.

Test it here:
Create your Lumia 640

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

F5 Big-IP VPN Client on Windows 10 (Solved)

First things first.
This article describes a workaround for Windows 10 users but, F5 has available a supported solution through an update for BIG-IP APM.
The update and F5 article (SOL16626) can be found here ( and basically you'll need to upgrade at least to version 11.5.3 or the latest version 11.6.0.

Now, for those that cannot update BIG-IP APM just yet, follow the steps below:

Installing F5 VPN Adapter Driver

  • First, you'll need to download the latest "F5Network VPN Adapter Drivers" and extract files from
  • Now, open Device Manager and you'll notice that the F5 VPN Adapter has an yellow exclamation point.
  • Right-click the device, select "Browse my computer for driver software" and then select "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
  • On the next window select "Network Adapter" and then click on "Have Disk..,"
  • Now point to the uncompressed "urxvpn.inf" file and select the driver.
Here you're done and you'll notice that the F5 VPN Adapter it's no longe with the exclamation point.

Opening F5 corporate website

Now that you're drivers are installed, there's another issue with F5. When you try to open your F5 corporate website on different browsers, you'll the the following error message:

To bypass this message, follow this steps:

  • Navigate to "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer"
  • Now, run as administrator "iexplore.exe"
  • Before opening any website, open Developer Tools (Tools -> F12 Developer Tools) or simple press F12
  • Now, change the following settings:
    • Document mode: 9
    • User agent string: Internet Explorer 9
  • Open your F5 corporate website're done.

Hope this helps a lot of people that like me, had a lot of issues because centrally updating F5 is not an option this time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 10 Available

It's finally available Microsoft Remote Administration Tools (RSAT) for Windows 10 RTM.
With RSAT for Windows 10 makes it possible to manage server features and roles remotely from your desktop environment.
This includes, Server Manager, MMC snap-ins, consoles, powershell cmdlets and a lot of other tools.

Download it from here:
Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 10

Friday, August 21, 2015

Windows 10 - Enabling "God Mode"

For those that passed from various versions of Windows OS along the years, "God Mode" it's not a awkward expression or...thing.

Although the "God Mode" makes you feel like you'll have access to hidden things on the OS or start having special powers, "God Mode" in Windows in more like...having every single option and setting on a single windows. More or less...

So, to give it a try, follow these steps:

  • First make sure your logged in with a user with administrative privileges
  • Right-click on the desktop and select New -> Folder
  • On the folder name write GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} and hit Enter
  • Now just double-click the created folder, and then you go. You're in God Mode! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 (MDT) Update 1 Available

So, after Windows ADK for Windows 10 and Windows 10 ADMX Template got available, it's now finally available MDT 2013 Update 1!

The Microsoft free tool for operating systems deployment was made available 2 days ago.
MDT is the recommended process and toolset for automating desktop and server system deployments and includes the following benefits:

  • Unified tools and processes, including a set of guidance, for deploying desktops and servers in a common deployment console
  • Reduced deployment time and standardized desktop and server images

Some of the key features for MDT 2013 Update 1 are:
  • Support for the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10
  • Support for deployment and update of Windows 10
  • Support for System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager SP1 with Windows ADK for Windows 10

Go ahead and follow the download link below:

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Windows 10 - Editions Compare Table

With Windows 10, Microsoft reduced a little bit the number of editions available.
To help you compare the features, here's one official table comparing the Windows 10 editions and it's specific features.

Find out which Windows 10 edition is right for you:
Microsoft Windows 10 Editions

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Windows 10 - ADMX Templates Available

Windows Microsoft Windows 10 deployments everywhere in the planet, including enterprises, specially for enterprises with a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, it's importante for IT Administrator to get the most recent ADMX templates to manage Windows 10 devices.

Microsoft made them available and you can download it here:
Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10

Friday, July 31, 2015

Windows ADK for Windows 10 Available

With the general launch of Windows 10 worlwide, Microsoft also launched the final release of Windows ADK for Windows 10.

Although there's not yet a final version of Microsot Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 1, the product team it's working hard to get it available during August.

To download the Windows ADK for Windows 10, follow the link bellow and scroll down to "Customize, assess, and deploy Windows on your hardware" section:
Download kits and tools for Windows 10

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Windows 10 Launch - All you need to know!

Today it's the day that will be a new history mark for Microsoft.
It's also an historic mark for the IT world.
The biggest ever operating system launch has started worldwide and Windows 10 it's starting to rollout to more than 190 countries.

Microsoft created a website for the launch, with FAQs, media assets, quick guides, and a lot more, of information needed and to clarify any doubts that a user still have.

So, go ahead and upgrade your world:
Windows 10 Launch - Upgrade Your Wolrd

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Windows 10 Insider Builds - Installing Insider Hub App

I think that with Windows 10, Microsoft really done a great job with Insider Hub.
For the first time, Microsoft could test, change and improve a lot of things in a very early state of its OS almost since day 1 and on a global way.

I believe that with this brilliant step, Microsoft can really have one of it's greatest moments when Windows 10 gets to RTM and general consumers.

Since a few insider builds back, the Insider Hub (the app to get news, quests and announcements for insiders) stopped from being pre-installed.

If you want to install it again, follow this steps:

  1. Go to Settings, Apps & Features
  2. Click Manage Optional Features and then click Add a Feature
  3. Slide down to Insider Hub e click Install
  4. Done!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Oracle Java - Centralized Management and Control

With the release of Java 7 Update 51 and the introduction off the Exception Site List, Oracle just made IT Administrators life...more complicated.
In the search for a way to get back in control over the enterprise desktops and laptops, I've found a way not only to manage Java's Control Panel but also a way to manage the Exception Site List.

On an enterprise with more than 8000 machines to manage, obviously we get a lot of the work done using GPOs so...we needed something similar to make it possible to quickly change whatever we want in a system-wide perspective.

On a default Java installation, the Java Control Panel settings are managed using the file located on "%APPDATA%\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\" but of course, this is a per-user configuration.
Fortunately this can be bypassed using a file called deployment.config that point to a system-wide file.

Now..with no further delays, here's what you need to do:

deployment.config File

This file is used to specify where the file is located and if it's mandatory or not. On this file you only have to set 2 parameters, here's an example:

deployment.system.config.mandatory=true File

This file manages Java Control Panel settings. For a complete list of parameters, go to

So, here's an example of what you can do with






#SET EXCEPTION SITES LIST PATH\:/Windows/Sun/Java/Deployment/exception.sites

exception.sites File
Here, you'll enter an url per line for the website you want to whitelist and nothing more is needed.

Pushing the files to all your network
So, now that you have the 3 necessary files, you'll need to put the on the machines. There are several ways to do it, I'll explain here what was the best approach for me, which was, using Group Policy Preferences (GPP).
  • Put the 3 files you've previously created on a network share accessible to all machines
  • Now, create or open an existing GPO and navigate to Computer Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings -> Files
  • Create 3 file properties matching the name of the 3 files you've created. In each file you'll need to give it an action, a source and a destination path (where the destination path needs to match what you've configure for deployment.system.config.
    For example
    Action: Replace
    Source File(s): \\sharename\javapolicies\
    Destination File: %windir%\Sun\Java\Deployment\
  • At the end, you'll have something similar to this:

And...your done!
After this, just restart the machines so the GPP it's applied.
Everytime you'll need to make a change on Java configuration or add a new website to the Exception Site List, you'll just need to add it centrally!

Hope this helps anyone with similar issues.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

MS Windows ADK RC for Windows 10 Available (info updated)

Like promised, here's an update to MS Windows ADK RC for Windows 10 testing.
So far so good! I was able to finally boot from WDS with the boot images created with MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview.

My setup was MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview and Windows ADK for Windows 10 Technical Preview and what I've done:
  • Uninstall Windows ADK for Windows 10 Technical Preview
  • Reboot
  • Install Windows ADK RC for Windows 10
  • Open MDT and updated deployment share regenerating all boot images
  • Published the newly generated boot images into WDS
  • All done!

Hope you're able to test this too!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MS Windows ADK RC for Windows 10 Available

For those early adopters and deployment fans like me, here's good news.
I'm finally testing the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 Update 1 Preview to deploy Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview 10074. I was having a little bit of issues because I was using a previous version of ADK , but now Microsoft launched Microsoft Windows ADK RC for Windows 10,
I believe this is compatible with build 10074. Already downloading this and hope to get some good news later on.

For everyone interested in downloading this release candidate of Microsoft Windows ADK just remember you can install directly from the web or download the offline installer like shown on the image above.

Here are the links:
Windows ADK RC for Windows 10 (direct download)
Windows ADK RC for Windows 10 (more info)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How Old Are You? Bing Tries To Guess!

Microsoft has recently launched a new face detection API to developers.
It also launched a nice demo for everyone to test it! it's powered by this new API and using Bing, Azure and other technologies tries to guess a persons age and gender by scanning a photo you can upload.

Give it a try:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

MVA - Windows 8.1 Deployment Jumpstart

I'm doing this one right now.
While there's no "jumpstart" for Windows 10, here's the one for Windows 8.1.

It's called "Windows 8.1 Deployment Jumpstart" and for everyone that's very familiar with Windows 7 deployment, it's a good refresh before heading up to Windows 10.

This course covers Windows 8.1 deployment end-to-end, talking about things like MDT, SCCM, litetouch, zerotouch, acronyms, dealing with drivers, creating master images, dynamic deployments, etc.

The hosts on this jumpstart are the "usual suspects":
  • Michael Niehaus
  • Johan Ardwidmark
  • Mikael Nystrom
  • Ben Hunter

To take this jumpstart from Microsoft Virtual Academy, just go here, and have fun!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Windows 10 - 10 Tips from Windows Central for the Technical Preview

Windows Central it's one of the best resources about Windows or Microsoft "world".
They usually have a lot of information about upcoming products with special focus nowadays on Windows 10 (for PC, for Phone, for...everything) and also about Xbox One.

They've published yesterday a nice article with 10 tips for everyone installing Windows 10 Technical Preview.

Take a look here:
10 Tips everyone should know after installing Windows 10 Technical Preview

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Windows Deployment - DISM - List injected drivers in table format

Have you ever needed to verify which drivers you've injected on your WIM file?
Ever been asked to get a list of the injected drivers for a report and needed to take a lot of time just creating tables and formatting the information for reporting?

Well, here's a nice tip that can save you a lot of time!

Follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows ADK command-prompt as Administrator

  2. Mount your WIM file on disk, for example:
    DISM /Mount-Wim /WimFile:D:\ISOS\Win81\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:D:\MountPoint

  3. Now, just use the above command to get all inject drivers and format the output:
    DISM /image:D:\MountPoint /Get-Drivers /format:table

And there you go! Nice format list of injected drive on your WIM! :)

Windows 10 for Phones - Quick look with Joe Belfiore

With the announcement today from Microsoft's Gabe Aul, that Windows 10 for Phone will have a new technical preview released tomorrow (10th April), and that this new testing version will be available for a larger number of Lumia devices, here's a nice video from Joe Belfiore showing of some of the features that'll be available soon.

But first, the official list of Lumia equipments eligible for the new build:

  • Lumia 1020
  • Lumia 1320
  • Lumia 1520
  • Lumia 520
  • Lumia 525
  • Lumia 526
  • Lumia 530
  • Lumia 530 Dual Sim
  • Lumia 535
  • Lumia 620
  • Lumia 625
  • Lumia 630
  • Lumia 630 Dual Sim
  • Lumia 635
  • Lumia 636
  • Lumia 638
  • Lumia 720
  • Lumia 730
  • Lumia 730 Dual SIM
  • Lumia 735
  • Lumia 810
  • Lumia 820
  • Lumia 822
  • Lumia 830
  • Lumia 920
  • Lumia 925
  • Lumia 928
  • Microsoft Lumia 430
  • Microsoft Lumia 435
  • Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM
  • Microsoft Lumia 435 Dual SIM DTV
  • Microsoft Lumia 532
  • Microsoft Lumia 532 Dual SIM
  • Microsoft Lumia 640 Dual SIM
  • Microsoft Lumia 535 Dual SIM

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Windows 10 - New installation interface image and video leaked

Windows 10 Install scree

Commited to change almost everything, but in a good way (!), on Windows 10 interface, it seems Microsoft also took some time change the Windows installation appearance.

An anonymous source leaked this on OSBetaArchive forums and there are reports stating that Neowin did it too..

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 Preview Available

With the probability of Windows 10 to be launched this summer, IT starts to think about it and should be prepared to it's deployment as soon as possible.

Because creating a new reference/gold image of a new operating system can bring new issues and challenges it's important to get to know the OS, the new features and the deprecated features also.
This makes it easier for IT guys to orchestrate the OS deployment and to know what to install, what not to install, which phase to apply that configuration, etc.

So, to start planning and testing, Microsft made available a month ago Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2013 Update 1 (MDT 2013 Update 1) Preview.
Obviously take in count the word "Preview". This release it's meant to "lab only" and to submit suggestions and bugs to product team (Enterprise Client Management), through Microsoft Connect website.

I'll probably talk a little more about this new release further this month, but for now, here's the official information.

What's new with MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview:

  • Support for the Windows 10 Technical Preview (LTI only) and the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) for Windows 10 Technical Preview
  • Split WIM support for UEFI media scenarios
  • Completely revised Windows version logic including changes from string to integer comparison ("10" !> 6 but 10 > 6)  and a new ZTIUtility function, GetMajorMinorVersion
  • Minor revisions  to Deployment Workbench console interface

If you want to try MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview and give feedback, you should follow these steps:

  • Download the installer from the MDT Connect Portal.
  • Download the prerequisite Windows ADK for Windows 10 Technical Preview from the Windows Insiders program. See this post for further information on how to obtain it.
  • Try MDT 2013 Update 1 Preview and submit bugs, suggestions and feedback via Connect Portal

New members must first join the MDT Group of the Client Enterprise Management program on Connect

Monday, April 6, 2015

Windows 10 - Presenting "Windows Hello" and "Windows Passport"

Microsoft's its determinate to make Windows 10 the best O.S. ever launched. On top of that it's the new approach from the company to listen to users feedback.

The new features announcement it's almost daily and here's another one.
Thinking about new ways for a user to login and making sure that it's really who he says to be,

Microsoft presented "Windows Hello", which users biometric signatures, like iris or fingertips, to allow a quick and secure login. Although this kind of security it's available for a long time, Microsoft it's now incorporating it natively on Windows 10.

It was also announced "Windows Passport", which allows a more secure, comfortable and seamless process to the typical user/password access.

Project Spartan - Cortana Integration

Following the hype around the future Microsoft's web browser, it seems everyday we get news about it, making it somewhat difficult to get all the info together.

WinBeta it's one excellent source to get news about the upcoming Microsoft features like Spartan web browser and obviously about Windows 10.

They've recently launched a video (in fact a series of videos) about Spartan features.
This video it's about Spartan and Cortana integration. It seems that Cortana will really be everywhere and  everything!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Windows 8.1 - How to Enable AHCI After Windows Installed

If for example you've upgraded your SATA HDD to a SSD and you notice poor performance that may happening because your BIOS it's configured to use IDE controller instead of AHCI.

It's not possible to just go to your BIOS and change to AHCI because that will result on a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) when Windows startup.

So, follow this steps to do it properly:

  1. Open a command-prompt as Administrator

  2. Run the following command:
    bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal

  3. Reboot the machine, enter the BIOS and change the controller to AHCI

  4. Now Windows will startup in safe mode

  5. Again, open a command-prompt as Administrator

  6. Run the following command:
    bcdedit /deletevalue {current} safeboot

  7. Reboot again

  8. You're Done!

Hope this help you get the most of your SSD!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Windows Phone: Windows 10 Preview Will Have a Rollback Tool

Windows 10 for Phone preview release may be available soon for some users through Microsoft Windows Insider program.

If in a computer, testing preview software it's an easy going thing, doing it on your personal smartphone it's a different approach.

Thinking on this, Microsoft will have a rollback tool, so users can get back to their Windows Phone 8.

This confirmation was revealed to the world with a tweet from one the Microsoft's General Manager, Grabriel Aul.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Windows 10 - New Clock and Calendar

If you're using the latest Windows 10 Technical Preview build (9901) there's a new and hidden clock and calendar.

To unlock it:

  1. Open registry (regedit.exe)
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell
  3. Create a new DWORD (32-bit) and name it UseWin32TrayClockExperience
  4. Set the value to 0
  5. Reboot
Will now see a redesigned clock and calendar.




Windows 10 Build 9901: Novo visual para o painel de data e hora

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to delete "ghosted" network adapters on Windows

It may happen for some reason, like you've changed an hard drive from one machine to another (or even on Virtual Machines) that when you try to enter an IP Address you get the error above.
This usually happens because the previous network adapters are still available on the operating system, although their hidden.

To fix this issue, follow this steps:
  1. Login on the machine
  2. Open a command prompt as administrator
  3. Execute the command: set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
  4. On the sime command prompt, execute the command: start devmgmt.msc
  5. On Device Manager, click on View -> Show hidden devices
  6. Go to Network Adapters and delete the greyed out or "ghosted" network adapters and restart the machine
Notes: If for any reason the pass 3 doesn't work, you need to create a System Variable called DEVMGR_SHOW_NONPRESENT_DEVICES and with value 1 and than open Device Manager.