Monday, October 27, 2014

MDT - Error Code 193 on Deployment Summary

For some time I was getting a strange return code when deploying a specific image with a specific application.
In this case, I was a warning with the return code 193.

After some search, I've found that it was as simple as changing the install parameters for that application like in this example:

Previous command line:
application.msi /qr /norestart ALLUSERS=2

Correct command line:
msiexec.exe /i application.msi /qr /norestart ALLUSERS=2

Well...and no more warning on the Deployment Summary.
As simples as that!


  1. thanl you very much. so clear and simple and easy to understand.

  2. Hey man!, thank you for share it with us! That saved me today.

  3. Thankyou man i tried with /qn also and its working for all MSI files

    1. Hello there,

      Thanks to everyone for these precious informations!

      Ghetto007, could you please give more details about the option you've used? And, if possible please, could you write the complete line?

      Thanks again :)
