Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Windows Phone 8.1 - "Resuming" screen after live lock screen beta uninstall

I've bought my new Nokia Lumia 925 last week.
Of course I had a big list of things to download from Windows Store that I was anxious to test since I was a lot of time with my Nokia Lumia 800 (which was not upgradable to Windows Phone 8).

So...after a lot of downloading, testing...uninstalling, I was time to test "Live Screen Lock BETA" from Microsoft.

Well, didn't liked that much, so I've uninstalled it. Since than I found out that I had a side-effect.
Now, every time I locked my phone, when pushing the button to wake up the phone, a nice "Resuming...."  showed up for a couple of seconds.

Go to Settings > Lock Screen and set the "Background" to something else. Lock screen, unlock the phone and choose again your "Background".

And you're done!

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