Monday, August 16, 2010

Locale Settings (inc. KeyboardLocale) – Finally Resolved

I’ve had some issues trying to set the locale properties properly.

When tried to set the KeyboardLocale=pt-PT it allways set it it English (US).
After some reading and tips I finally manage to overcome that issue. I’ve found the solution on a great blog from Ben Hunter ( a Microsoft Consultant.

So, here’s the solution:

To solve this problem, update the KeyboardLocale line in the ZTIGather.xml file to set allow overwrites to true.

<property id=”KeyboardLocale” type=”string” overwrite=”true”description=”Locale used for Keyboard, can be either 0409:00000409 or en-US format (default is OS Default)” />

You then need to make sure that you skip the locale selection screen, otherwise it will override any values specified in the

customsettings.ini. Here is an example of the rules you will need to skip this screen:

     SkipLocaleSelection = YES

     UserLocale = en-NZ

     SystemLocale = en-NZ

     UIlanguage = en-US

     KeyboardLocale = 0413:00020409;0413:00000409;0409:00020409;0409:00000409;1409:00001409

When making this change you need to be aware of its effects. This will cause the last value gathered during rule processing to be the one used. So for example if you specify a KeyboardLacale in the database and it is also specified in the Default section then the last section processed will win(normally the first section will win), which usually means the values in the default section will win.


Source: Ben Hunter’s Blog

This also works good for other Locale settings as SystemLocale.

By the way…for portuguese locale settings the code is pt-PT.

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